Mobile App Development Trends to watch out in 2021

Mobile App Development Trends

Mobile App Development Trends

2020 has been a remarkable year for mobile applications. Where the rest of the world was out of work due to Covid. The Web and Applications multiplied their worth and use many times over. Mobile App becomes a necessity of everyone’s life, they may no longer an optional. Lots of mobile applications were launched in the past decades thus increasing the demands of the apps. It becomes a priority of the people and now also becomes the source of meeting all the demands and requirements of the customers and thereby providing them with the best services.

The Mobile App Solutions sector has witnessed an upsurge as there have been a lot of free apps downloads in 2020.

Considering such great demand and response in the Mobile App Development in the year 2020, we have stated some Mobile App Development Trends that are expected to take place in the year 2021, just in case you want to take full advantage of the mobile industry.

Android Instant Apps

Android Instant Apps

Android Instant Apps are native apps that work as websites and appeal to users easily with the convenience of uses. Without the need for installation, it makes the users access the app from any place. It has streamlined the difference between app and website. It aids with all the required tools that can prove to help modularize the app through which users load only that portion of the instant app that they require. It is also easy to share and users can experience the benefits of the apps with just a click. This will also help users to save their phone storage from unnecessary downloads as there will be no need of downloading apps.

 Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, And Mixed Reality

 Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, And Mixed Reality

AR, VR, and MR were great sources of entertainment in the year 2020. Developers are now working on creating astonishing experiences in AR, VR, and MR. It aids the business with providing a visualization of their products and services to all their customers. It is also beneficial to help the business reach every corner of the world through a virtual showroom. Considering such benefits, AR, VR, and MR are sure to dominate many sectors other than games in the year 2021.

 Internet of Things (IoT)

 Internet of Things (IoT)

Normal people today are dreaming of living in smart cities, smart houses all this will be made possible with loT. IoT will gradually start their ascension and 2021 should be the year for them to make a mark in industries such as healthcare to education and from smart homes to smart offices. Taking off as a full-fledged technological industry will take some more time for IoT but the technology will have its screen time. With the increasing demands of IoT devices and apps, the developers will have to become more innovative in meeting the diverse needs of the users.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain gathering tremendous attention in comparison to other technology in recent times. It was introduced to help companies to record their information in form of an unaltered ledger which is listed as blocks. It is expected to establish a more secure business network with high security. Smartphones are in great need of better security and considering these developers are working on developing blockchain-based services that will be implemented on mobile apps.

Cloud-based Apps

Cloud-based Apps

The world is literally living in the cloud and when it comes to mobile app development trends for 2021, integrating your application with cloud technology is a must-have. As per research, cloud-based apps are sure to attract 90% of mobile data traffic all across the globe. It took a lot of years for the developers to explore the possibilities of cloud computing and integration. Developing mobile apps over the cloud offers a lot of benefits like Streamlined Operations, an increase in the efficiency of storing and sharing data, an increase in productivity, and many more.

Mobile App Security

Mobile App Security

Since the dawn of smartphone technology, there has always been a continuous demand for security. Smartphones are managing confidential and sophisticated user data, and this will continue in 2021 but what this trend requires more is the security measures that must be applied to keep this data secure. Network World predicts that “70% of mobile professionals will conduct their work on personal smart devices“. In 2021, developers will be thinking a lot about developing apps with built-in security features.

Final Conclusion

Mobile Apps are the new Webs or maybe even better. There are many reasons why your business needs a mobile app. Your business will definitely benefit from an app because apps have a much higher engagement rate and hence have a much higher conversion rate. You can also convert your existing website into a hybrid app. This App whenever in use will open an in-app browser to view your website and this way you get your business on fingertips of your targeted audience.