Cloud Hosting Vs Shared Hosting | Which is your best fit?

Cloud Hosting Vs Shared Hosting

Cloud Hosting Vs Shared Hosting

Perhaps we should begin with the three things that the two have in common: the web hosting provider, servers, and websites. Unfortunately, this is as far as the similarity goes.

Whereas shared hosting can boast of being the most popular of all the hosting plans, all its accolades fade when put against the new features that cloud hosting brings.

Key features we’ll be looking out for include uptime, support, security, pricing, performance, speed, and bonuses. Each certainly fairs differently under each of these spaces and that’s actually where the majority of the differences lie.

Although shared hosting has been part of the web hosting history for the longest time, cloud hosting (or Cloud VPS) first came onto the web hosting scene in 1996. And since it came along, it has been gaining momentum. So let’s dissect the two, cloud hosting vs shared hosting, to see what sets them apart.

What is Cloud hosting?

Cloud hosting

Cloud is something that differentiates Cloud Hosting. Cloud Hosting is all about a theory that is said to be infinitely scalable as it gave access to an infinite number of machines to enable all those machines to perform as one system.

Various Multiple physical servers are combined to develop a website or application as a single machine. There are various benefits of cloud hosting some of which are similar to that of Cloud Computing like improvisation in reliability, better performance, on-demand scalability, redundancy, etc. These features are apt for all those websites which are developed to attract new customers easily with the help of a new product launch or the success of some viral video. This is possible only for cloud hosting.

On contrary to this, in regular hosting, there are high chances of website break. This will never happen with cloud hosting as it has got the capacity of gathering the website’s resources which are automatically scaled up to meet all the demands. If your website is hosted on various servers and not only on one, then the failure of one server will never affect the working of another server. One server supports the other one, if somehow servers fail to do so, then additional servers are utilized. Let’s read the next part of cloud hosting vs shared hosting.

What is Shared Hosting?


Shared Hosting as the name states are all about web hosting solutions. It undergoes a process where some amount of physical server hardware is given to each customer to help them run and operate their website or application.

Shared Hosting does not cost so much as it involves various customers on a single web server which leads to lower costs. Shared hosting manages to complete a project online at a low cost, but on the other end, it has got various disadvantages too. As several customers are sharing one set of physical hardware, there are chances when users do not get the required amount of server performance.

This can become a major issue especially for those sites & applications which are `putting down fewer requirements and are also facing a low number of visitors on their site. Shared hosting is not found to be suitable for Intensive Application. The major reason being is the bifurcation of the full power of the hardware in various directions at one point in time. Let’s conclude our blog post on cloud hosting vs shared hosting.

Final Conclusion

We hope you understood cloud hosting vs shared hosting. To make up your mind, you should understand certain aspects precisely. For organizations wherein much priority is being laid upon the reliability and scalability of their websites, Cloud Hosting is considered to be the appropriate one. On the other hand, for the website where the traffic on the site is not much and cannot even be predicted also there is not much focus on selling products online, then Shared Hosting will turn out to be beneficial and effective.