Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning | What is it?

Artificial Intelligence & machine learning

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning

We all are well aware of Virtual Personal Assistants, Smart Cars, Video Games but do we all know how all these technologies came into existence. Artificial Intelligence made it entirely possible. Artificial Intelligence majorly focuses on areas of computer science where it lays more emphasis on creating intelligent machines that work and reacts the same as humans do. The computers made with Artificial Intelligence are capable of Learning, Planning, Problem Solving, Speech recognition, etc.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is an application of Artificial Intelligence that serves the systems with the ability and capability to automatically learn and improve from experience. Machine Learning majorly focuses on the development of computer programs that extensively accesses the data and uses it for them.

Machine learning allows the software applications are becoming more accurate to correctly predict the outcomes. Machine Learning focuses majorly on building the algorithms to receive input data further using statistical analysis to predict an output value within an acceptable range.

The process of machine learning begins with observations or data to look into the patterns in the data and make decisions in the future.

The best examples of Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning are as follows:

applications of aiml

Virtual Personal Assistants

The Virtual Personal Assistants like Siri, Google Now, Cortana are all intelligent digital devices. They help find the information when you ask for it with the help of your voice and that is when they respond well to your question with an accurate answer.

Security Surveillance

Security Surveillance is very common. But do you think it is under human’s capability to keep monitoring multiple cameras at once? No right. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning make it all possible.


Netflix is also another common output which is predictive technology and recommends the users based on their choices, interests, and behavior.

Video Games

Video Games are the best example of AI and ML. The creation of video game characters learns your behavior and responds further reacting in unpredictable ways.

Online Customer Support

Online Customer Support is an example too for AI and ML. While the customers are browsing the website, they get to chat with the computer support representative but it’s not the live person you are talking to, at times it’s a rudimentary AI and it extracts knowledge from the website and presents it well before the customers.


In 2015, Gmail introduced Smart reply which indicates its capability of responding to emails on your behalf. The machine learning tools automatically suggest varied responses.

Google Maps

Google Maps helps in analyzing the speed of the traffic with the help of location data. Using that data Google suggests the fastest routes to reduce traveling time.


Paypal a popular online payment platform also uses machine learning algorithms to fight against all fraud. Using the deep learning techniques Paypal undergoes the analysis of various quantities of customer data and leads to the evaluation of the risks accordingly.


Uber is another best example as it using machine learning algorithms to identify arrival times, pick up locations and drop locations.

Final Conclusion

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning is changing the world as we speak. Big and small businesses are bringing this technology into their daily use in the form of Chatbots for customer support. This technology is revolutionary but is it the right fit for you? That is a question that only you can answer. For anybody starting a new business, it is better to start with a simple cms based website and being available for chat support your self this instead of going for such high tech unless your business is about or related to artificial intelligence machine learning.