Why is Important to Pay Attention to Page Speed Test?

Why is Important to Pay Attention to Page Speed Test?

Pay Attention to Page Speed

(SEO) is the best exercise that covers the countless areas that factor into getting your site in a better ranking. In SEO Practice that covers the many little things which increase the page speed. These are Meta descriptions, keywords, title tags, inbound links, image optimization, etc. The issue is most common in little to moderate-sized organizations and page speed can turn into a major issue when Google comes to monitor your site. Google even has some Page Speed Guidelines on the off chance that you are occupied with exploring it.

Page speed as a Ranking Factor

Since Google has considered Page speed as a Ranking Factor. This may be a good reason why you should pay attention to page speed. Let’s Get into our explanation of why is page speed important?

Why is page speed important?

In today’s era website visitors do not much time and patience to wait while the page has downloaded. People are used to website downloads quickly. The visitor has value time and no one has the right to waste his time. If the page isn’t downloaded quickly then no one sticks around to see what you have to offer. They’ll move to the competitor site. If their site capacities better and pages load quicker, that is your competitor’s advantage. Their guests will maybe stick around longer and explore what your competitors have to offer. It is a better practice because the site works like it’s supposed while your site offers guests dissatisfaction and sat idle.

Why is Page Speed Important

Another most important reason to pay attention to page speed is Google declared that webpage speed plays an important role in the website rank in the search result. As the years have passed, and with the development of versatile, site speed is turning into a more critical factor in search rankings, and we believe that this year and coming years will be terrific for the site speed. You all should think about the customer’s interaction on their mobile while searching for content.

Your brand has insignificant time to establish a connection and you don’t need this valuable brief period to be worthless sitting tight for your pages to stack. You can test how Google sees your site speed in Google Analytics or by utilizing this helpful developer tool, PageSpeed Insights. It’s a given that keeping Google satisfied with your site is absolutely critical if you need to be found in search lists.

Accessing your Page speed:

You can use several tools to access your page speed whatever your page speed download quickly. There are plenty of tools but the following are the best tools you can use to access web page speed optimization insights.Page Speed Test Tools

These measures score differently. You will get the best tool for your page speed by using and assessing all of them.

Speed Fixes

After the test of the page speed, there are a couple of issues arise that frequently obstruct the response time of uses.

When you are building your site keep these things in your mind.

  • Slim Down Code:

Enlarged or obsolete coding will regularly back a site of. Except if you’re helping with code, this is something you’ll need another person’s address. The simplest arrangement is to discover another theme or CMS that isn’t as stuffed.

  • Delete Unused Themes and Plugins:

Make sure one thing if you are using WordPress or other CMS themes and plugins that you do not keep idle stuff around inevitably. Don’t use delete themes and plugins. You have to search for different plugins that associate the functionality of existing ones to save space instead of using previous plugins.

  • Minify:

If it is possible then minify your Javascript, CSS, and other code. This is the best practice by using a plugin like this one.

  • Use a CDN:

Cloudflare and Max CDN are the most popular networks to store large data and keep in save other parts of sites in the server everywhere to serve data more efficiently and faster.

  • Compress images

Use PNG and smaller image in size, Don’t enable your CMS to resize pictures for you. The large image is the page speed analyzer’s adversary. Upload the correct size in the first place so that step can be skipped.


In Simple Terms, You should pay attention to page speed test and do your best to fix the issues you find. In case you are unable to understand any issues you find in the test. Make the changes that you can change and Hire an SEO developer for changes you don’t understand or are out of your control.