Java vs Python? Which programming language is better for you
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Java vs Python?
The debate of Java vs Python has been on for a long. Although both the programming languages are amongst the most popular ones, the debate about which one is better is unsettling.
Here are three basic parameters, discussed in detail, to help you better understand all the nitty-gritty aspects of both languages. Either you are shortlisting a web/app development platform for your enterprise or a developer seeking to learn one of these object-oriented programming languages, this read is going to help you reinstate clarity and make a better and informed decision about what’s better for you.
Java vs Python’s Syntax
The syntax rules in Java are quite stern and unbendable. Since Java has Static-type syntax, it is not beginner-friendly, and a single error in the code will stop it from running. Static type makes code run quicker by compiling the whole code at run time but makes troubleshooting frustrating. Contrary to Python, long pieces of code are written in Java, with variables being put in too simultaneously while taking care of strict formatting rules.
On the other hand, Python’s design philosophy was making the code easy and readable. Code written in Python is much concise and close to human language. This makes the learning curve shorter and beginner-friendly. Also, it’s lenient with formatting and does not follow the indentation rules or enclose braces, and the variables are put in at the run time. The clear formatting makes the Python code more shareable and readable. One can have a better time learning Python firstly and migrating to other languages later on if needed.
Comparison Of Speed and Stability 
Java is a compiled language that enables it to execute code much faster than Python can. It is costlier to create a product on Java and requires a profound skillset, but if your scope is to create a scalable and mature product then Java can be your thing. Plus, its framework is compatible with mobile app development; it can cope with the trend shift towards mobile app development. Java’s stability is improved by the fact that it is statically checked, which helps maintain code, especially in long-term projects.
Building from scratch on Python is way quicker and cost-effective than on Java. The ability to code swiftly and cheaply makes it great for Prototyping and data processing. Significant infrastructure management of Facebook is done through Python accredited to its extensive libraries, free licensing, and better suitability for machine learning. But the run time of Python is slower, and a code takes more time to execute in Python than in Java. Since the syntax is checked at run time, any bug can put the application on hold, resulting in compromised stability, making the application more prone to crashes. Python in no terms can be termed unstable as huge projects like Instagram, Reddit, and Pinterest’s BitTorrent Client were written in Python.
Community Support of Java vs Python’s
When Comparing Java vs Python’s popularity, Java has the first-mover’s advantage. Extensive libraries and resource groups, Java User Groups (JUGs) make debugging easier. Its presence for such a vast time frame has enhanced and strengthened the community, now to the point that whenever you come across a problem, there’s a high chance that you can get it resolved by skimming through the internet. Some popular Java libraries are Weka, Deeplearning4j, etc.
The community support for Python is growing exponentially. The number of queries discussed on StackOverflow of Python surpassed that of Python in recent years, which advocates its popularity. New and extensive libraries related to machine learning, AI, data sciences are all written in Python. PyTorch and TensorFlow are to name a few. AI and machine learning are actually preferred in Python due to its rich libraries, resourceful packages, and more straightforward syntax.
After analyzing the above-discussed parameters, one can establish that both Java and Python carry their oven pros and cons and the use cases of both do overlap at large.
In the end, it all boils down to one’s use case and scenario. Being a developer, if you are just starting out, Python might help as it has a smaller learning curve, and you can migrate later on. If you come from the world of enterprise-level development and are not a freshie, then getting hands-on Java/Javascript/C# might be viable for you.
Similarly, if you are looking for a web/app solution for your enterprise and are in the process of shortlisting platforms to build it on: In that case, the above-discussed parameters might help you finalize your decision. If your requirements are very specific, and a highly scalable product involving utmost security is needed, you can go through the resource extensive route of using Java. Otherwise, Python can be more viable for you as it requires a lower upfront cost and is time-effective.